Key concepts and terminology

Read this to get a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles that shape the capability of SysON offering essential insights into its core foundations.

1. Project

In SysON, a Project serves as a high-level container that organizes models. You can use projects to group models, providing a structured and efficient way to manage your content.

It’s important to note that creating sub-projects within a project isn’t supported.

All models exist at the same level within a project.

This design ensures simplicity and clarity in organizing and accessing your models, fostering a straightforward and intuitive project management experience.

In SysON, projects are public. Public projects are visible by everyone.

2. Model

In SysON, a model represents a comprehensive and structured representation of a system, capturing its various aspects, components, and relationships. These models serve as fundamental building blocks for organizing and articulating the design, behavior, and structure of a system. Notably, all models within SysON adhere to the SysML v2 language metamodel, ensuring compliance with standardized specifications. This adherence to the SysML v2 metamodel enhances interoperability, consistency, and compatibility across the modeling landscape, making models integral components for effective system engineering and collaborative project development.

3. Representation

In the context of SysON, a representation serves as a visual depiction or interpretation of a system, capturing specific aspects and viewpoints. Essentially, it’s one of the possible views within the SysML v2 framework. Representations offer a means to illustrate and communicate diverse facets of a system, aiding in the comprehensive understanding of its structure, behavior, and relationships. These visual depictions play a pivotal role in model-based systems engineering, offering a nuanced and graphical approach to convey complex information in a more visible manner. Each representation within SysML v2 contributes to building a holistic understanding of a system’s architecture and design.