Configure Anti-virus software for use with SysON server

While we can’t directly recommend specific antivirus software for use with SysON applications, we want to advise our customers that if you are experiencing slowness with your SysON application, try running it with virus checking disabled.

Due to the high volume of temporary files generated by SysON applications, antivirus software can significantly impact performance by causing excessive disk I/O and resource contention. In some cases, even disabling antivirus software might not be sufficient to resolve performance issues. In such situations, you may need to restart the server or completely uninstall the antivirus software.

Here are some specific recommendations for configuring antivirus software for use with SysON server:

  • Exclude SysON Application Folders from Scanning: Identify the installation directory of your SysON application and exclude it from regular antivirus scans. This will minimize the impact of antivirus scanning on SysON performance.

  • Schedule Scanning Times: If possible, schedule antivirus scans during off-peak hours when SysON usage is minimal. This will reduce the likelihood of performance degradation during active usage periods.

  • Configure Real-time Scanning: Adjust real-time scanning settings to minimize the impact on SysON performance. Consider disabling real-time scanning for specific SysON processes or files that are known to cause performance issues.

  • Monitor Resource Utilization: Continuously monitor resource utilization, especially CPU and disk I/O, to identify any potential bottlenecks caused by antivirus software. Adjust scanning settings or consider uninstalling the antivirus software if it significantly impacts SysON performance.

  • Consult with Antivirus Vendor: If you continue to experience performance issues despite optimizing antivirus settings, consider contacting the antivirus vendor for specific guidance on configuring their software for optimal compatibility with SysON applications.

Remember, the goal is to achieve a balance between comprehensive antivirus protection and minimizing its impact on SysON performance. By carefully configuring antivirus settings and monitoring resource utilization, you can ensure that your SysON server operates smoothly while maintaining a robust security posture.